Saturday, August 1, 2009

Want to Know How You Can Reduce Cellulite?

A detoxifying diet is one way to get rid of awful cellulite on various parts of your body. This kind of diet can greatly reduce existing cellulite, and even prevent the appearance of more in future.

A detoxifying fat burning cellulite diet can help to get rid of cellulite by eliminating many of the products and chemicals that have built up in the body and created the situation that leads to the build-up of lumpy, “orange-peel” skin. The new diet will encourage growth of new, smoother skin while encouraging the elimination of interconnected fatty cells.

A detoxifying diet calls for the elimination of black tea, coffee and alcohol. Replenishing your water balance is essential in order to encourage the elimination of fat cells. To reduce cellulite, you need to avoid processed foods and those high in sodium. Meat, cheese and yogurts as well as other foods high in fat should be avoided, including high-lactose foods. Grilled meat, baked potato and steamed veggies are better than a pizza, for example.

Processed foods may lead to an increased adipose fat level, which will exacerbate rather than reduce cellulite. You should select leaner proteins like lean red meat and white meat poultry and fish. You should cook things from scratch carefully selecting items low in salt, sugar and fat. Always remember that the majority of convenience foods are primarily made up of the ingredients you want to avoid.

Snacking between meals will undoubtedly take your diet and goals off the rails as the snacks are most likely going to contain the foods you are trying to avoid. In order to reduce cellulite, vitamins and minerals must be part of your diet. These are believed to restore a healthy glow to the skin and inhibit the absorption of fats. By increasing the amount of fiber you get, you will encourage proper digestion and less food will make you feel full.

While on a detoxifying diet you must reduce your overall intake of calories, fat and saturated fats. This will increase your metabolic rate and give your body a more constant energy level.

Maintaining an aerobic exercise routine during the detoxifying diet will also help to reduce cellulite, because it will help to trim and tone your body, reducing the effects of the lumps and bumps that characterize a cellulite problem. Jog, swim, ride a bike or go for long walks to reduce stress and promote the healthy elimination of cellulite.

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