Saturday, August 1, 2009

Cellulite Laser Procedures - Do They Really Work?

Did you know that 80-90% of women these days are affected by cellulite? For many of these women, laser procedures to get rid of cellulite offer promising results in reducing or removing these ugly areas of skin.

A skin condition caused by bulging fat cells beneath the skin, cellulite can be stubbornly resistant to treatment. Factors such as excess weight, hormonal imbalance, a sedentary lifestyle, injury, genetic predisposition and loss of elasticity in fibrous tissue all contribute to cellulite.Young, old fit and unfit persons are affected by the condition.

When subcutaneous fat seeps into the dermal layer, it can cause herniations that present themselves as bumps and bulges, between the tissues that hold the subdural layer in place. The affected by cellulite areas are often referred to as cottage cheese. Cellulite can be a problem in any part of the body where the layer of fatty tissue between the muscles and the surface skin is thick enough to be visible.

The fatty layer is held in place at intervals along a sort of elastic net when the body is functioning correctly. Loss of elasticity beneath the skin can cause fat cells to break through the net, taking advantage of stretched tissues and causing lumpy sections. Cellulite laser treatment becomes useful, as it attacks these herniated areas.

While it is still a relatively new procedure, laser treatment has shown promising results.It has been found to be safe, effective and faster than some other therapies in Europe where it is more common.

It works by improving circulation by deeply massaging the affected areas.The increased circulation reduces cellulite levels because it helps remove built up fats and toxins in the subdural level and promotes proper lymph drainage and hydration. These are essential in the treatment of cellulite and the safe, efficient reduction of visible fat in the affected areas.

In the processes and procedures related to cellulite, proper hydration is especially poignant to the effectiveness of laser treatment.In order to prevent future cellulite problems, hydration is necessary to carry away toxins and fat that has built up and to further encourage the elasticity in the connective tissues.

Dermal fillers and liposuction can work in conjunction with cellulite laser remedies. A proper diet and exercise regimen will also work hand in hand with interventions to treat the condition.

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