Saturday, August 1, 2009

Cellulite Laser Procedures - Do They Really Work?

Did you know that 80-90% of women these days are affected by cellulite? For many of these women, laser procedures to get rid of cellulite offer promising results in reducing or removing these ugly areas of skin.

A skin condition caused by bulging fat cells beneath the skin, cellulite can be stubbornly resistant to treatment. Factors such as excess weight, hormonal imbalance, a sedentary lifestyle, injury, genetic predisposition and loss of elasticity in fibrous tissue all contribute to cellulite.Young, old fit and unfit persons are affected by the condition.

When subcutaneous fat seeps into the dermal layer, it can cause herniations that present themselves as bumps and bulges, between the tissues that hold the subdural layer in place. The affected by cellulite areas are often referred to as cottage cheese. Cellulite can be a problem in any part of the body where the layer of fatty tissue between the muscles and the surface skin is thick enough to be visible.

The fatty layer is held in place at intervals along a sort of elastic net when the body is functioning correctly. Loss of elasticity beneath the skin can cause fat cells to break through the net, taking advantage of stretched tissues and causing lumpy sections. Cellulite laser treatment becomes useful, as it attacks these herniated areas.

While it is still a relatively new procedure, laser treatment has shown promising results.It has been found to be safe, effective and faster than some other therapies in Europe where it is more common.

It works by improving circulation by deeply massaging the affected areas.The increased circulation reduces cellulite levels because it helps remove built up fats and toxins in the subdural level and promotes proper lymph drainage and hydration. These are essential in the treatment of cellulite and the safe, efficient reduction of visible fat in the affected areas.

In the processes and procedures related to cellulite, proper hydration is especially poignant to the effectiveness of laser treatment.In order to prevent future cellulite problems, hydration is necessary to carry away toxins and fat that has built up and to further encourage the elasticity in the connective tissues.

Dermal fillers and liposuction can work in conjunction with cellulite laser remedies. A proper diet and exercise regimen will also work hand in hand with interventions to treat the condition.

6 Things You May Not Know About Cellulite Creams

Ever wonder about cellulite creams? There are a ton of people these days that have bulging ugly cellulite affected areas of their bodies that use over-the-counter products to get rid of these unwanted fatty deposits. If you are one of the millions of individuals that have cellulite and would like to get rid of it, here are some of the facts you need to know.

1. The cream penetrates the skin layers. Skin suffering from a loss of elasticity and the dominance of fat cells in the cellular structure is a clear indication of cellulite. The essential and vital nutrients needed to restore the skin tissue to normal are garnered by the application of cream into the problem areas. The inner and outer layers of the infected parts absorb and are repaired by the cream.

2. Creams are safe and painless. Your skin will only absorb what it needs. By using detoxification elements the creams break down fat deposits while repairing the cell structure. Unlike painful surgical procedures, treatments using creams are not painful at all.

3. The cellulite affected areas are concentrated with a large dose of nutrients from the cream. Anti-oxidants and detox agents designed to eradicate cellulite through cell repair are part of the cream formulated with herbal extracts, vitamins to minimize and ultimately remove cellulite through cell repair. Since cellulite is damaged skin, the massive dose of nutrients giving it the corrective nourishment it so badly needs.

4. You can save money by using a cream. Rather than go to a clinic and undergo expensive cellulite removal treatment, buying a cream to treat cellulite is within easy reach of budget. Cellulite creams save you from taking trips to have the procedure done adding to the affordability.

5. Most treatments are mainly done in a private setting. There is also the knowledge that you can treat yourself without others knowing. Cellulite is not something that you want to show to others and is usually kept under stockings, long skirts and pants. Able to be applied right after a shower in the privacy of the bathroom, not even your partner will know of the treatments.

6. Creams are convenient and easy to use and apply. No gadgets are needed to apply the no-fuss procedure. Only your hand is needed for the application of the cream. There is nothing else that is needed. No step by step instructions or equipment is needed. Don’t forget to bring your cellulite cream along with you when you travel, as you can continue your treatment anywhere.

The last but not the least thing that you should know is not all products are created equal. There are superior brands made with special herbal formulations are effective and guaranteed. Inferior products will produce results but they may be limited or months away before a tangible result is seen. Based on the severity of the cellulite, the results may vary. Bulging cellulite removal requires a 3-point program of diet, exercise and cream application, while milder cases can be eliminated by cream alone.

Want to Know How You Can Reduce Cellulite?

A detoxifying diet is one way to get rid of awful cellulite on various parts of your body. This kind of diet can greatly reduce existing cellulite, and even prevent the appearance of more in future.

A detoxifying fat burning cellulite diet can help to get rid of cellulite by eliminating many of the products and chemicals that have built up in the body and created the situation that leads to the build-up of lumpy, “orange-peel” skin. The new diet will encourage growth of new, smoother skin while encouraging the elimination of interconnected fatty cells.

A detoxifying diet calls for the elimination of black tea, coffee and alcohol. Replenishing your water balance is essential in order to encourage the elimination of fat cells. To reduce cellulite, you need to avoid processed foods and those high in sodium. Meat, cheese and yogurts as well as other foods high in fat should be avoided, including high-lactose foods. Grilled meat, baked potato and steamed veggies are better than a pizza, for example.

Processed foods may lead to an increased adipose fat level, which will exacerbate rather than reduce cellulite. You should select leaner proteins like lean red meat and white meat poultry and fish. You should cook things from scratch carefully selecting items low in salt, sugar and fat. Always remember that the majority of convenience foods are primarily made up of the ingredients you want to avoid.

Snacking between meals will undoubtedly take your diet and goals off the rails as the snacks are most likely going to contain the foods you are trying to avoid. In order to reduce cellulite, vitamins and minerals must be part of your diet. These are believed to restore a healthy glow to the skin and inhibit the absorption of fats. By increasing the amount of fiber you get, you will encourage proper digestion and less food will make you feel full.

While on a detoxifying diet you must reduce your overall intake of calories, fat and saturated fats. This will increase your metabolic rate and give your body a more constant energy level.

Maintaining an aerobic exercise routine during the detoxifying diet will also help to reduce cellulite, because it will help to trim and tone your body, reducing the effects of the lumps and bumps that characterize a cellulite problem. Jog, swim, ride a bike or go for long walks to reduce stress and promote the healthy elimination of cellulite.